About me

My name is Daniel Perez. I am a software engineer and researcher based in London. These days, I have mostly been working on blockchain systems and smart contracts. I am the co-founder of TLX, a leveraged token protocol, and Gyroscope, a non-custodial stablecoin.
Before that, I did a PhD at Imperial College London, supervised by professor Ben Livshits and sponsored by the Ethereum Foundation. My research theme was about how to secure distributed ledgers and their ecosystem. I focused mostly on using programming language techniques to improve the security of blockchains' virtual machines, as well as the applications running on top of them. Even before that, I received my Master's in Computer Science from The University of Tokyo under the supervision of professor Shigeru Chiba, during which I worked on applying machine learning techniques to programming languages.
- 2023/06/14
- I officially graduated from my PhD at Imperial College London
- 2022/05/03
- Dissimilar Redundancy in DeFi with Lewis Gudgeon was accepted at MARBLE 2022
- 2021/01/25
- Liquidations: DeFi on a Knife-edge with Sam Werner, Jiahua Xu and Ben Livshits was accepted at FC 2021
- 2020/08/14
- Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable Does Not Imply Exploited with Ben Livshits was accepted at USENIX Security 2021
- 2020/08/12
- Revisiting Transactional Statistics of High-scalability Blockchains with Jiahua Xu and Ben Livshits was accepted at ACM IMC 2020
- 2020/08/07
- DeFi Protocols for Loanable Funds with Lewis Gudgeon, Sam Werner and William Knottenbelt was accepted at ACM AFT 2020