About me

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My name is Daniel Perez. I am a software engineer and researcher based in London. These days, I have mostly been working on blockchain systems and smart contracts. I am the co-founder of TLX, a leveraged token protocol, and Gyroscope, a non-custodial stablecoin.

Before that, I did a PhD at Imperial College London, supervised by professor Ben Livshits and sponsored by the Ethereum Foundation. My research theme was about how to secure distributed ledgers and their ecosystem. I focused mostly on using programming language techniques to improve the security of blockchains' virtual machines, as well as the applications running on top of them. Even before that, I received my Master's in Computer Science from The University of Tokyo under the supervision of professor Shigeru Chiba, during which I worked on applying machine learning techniques to programming languages.


I officially graduated from my PhD at Imperial College London
Dissimilar Redundancy in DeFi with Lewis Gudgeon was accepted at MARBLE 2022
Liquidations: DeFi on a Knife-edge with Sam Werner, Jiahua Xu and Ben Livshits was accepted at FC 2021
Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable Does Not Imply Exploited with Ben Livshits was accepted at USENIX Security 2021
Revisiting Transactional Statistics of High-scalability Blockchains with Jiahua Xu and Ben Livshits was accepted at ACM IMC 2020
DeFi Protocols for Loanable Funds with Lewis Gudgeon, Sam Werner and William Knottenbelt was accepted at ACM AFT 2020

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