
  1. Persistent history in Elixir repl IEx

    This post has been updated to take in account OTP 20 new features. …

  2. Image orientation bug with Picasso

    Short memo about an issue I just had some issue on Android with Picasso library when loading an image from a URI on KitKat. …

  3. Go serialization

    I have been using Golang to build some REST API recently, and I was having some trouble to serialize my data properly to JSON. …

  4. SSH invalid byte sequence

    Small memo about an issue I had with Chef knife and Capistrano commands. …

  5. Optional parameters and decorators in JavaScript

    Optional parameters is a widely used programming pattern and is available by default in many languages. For example, an example in Python could be: …

  6. Grunt errors in browser

    I have been using Grunt for quite a while, but I had never found anything to handle compile errors, to show them in the web browser, for example. …

  7. Scala's parser combinator

    After playing around a little recently with Scala’s parser combinator, I tried to implement a small calculator-like program using them to see how easily it could be done. The result is quite impressive, with about 100 lines of code we can get something working pretty fine. …

  8. Getting started with Scala's akka actors

    I’ve been looking for a sample code to get started with Akka actors, but after looking around a little, the only non trivial example I found was the akka 1.3 Getting started page. …

  9. Ignore Rails public/assets in development

    While building a Rails app, I decided to run …

  10. SublimeText hot exit for projects only

    I’ve been using Sublime Text for quite a while now, and there’s been feature I didn’t really like about it: Hot Exit. Actually, it’s quite nice when you’re working on a project to be able to have your files back again as you were using then, but when you only want to edit a single file it’s not very useful. Well, whatsoever, as the API is in Python it’s quite simple to get what you want, especially for a simple task like this. So what I did is, …